Saturday, May 2, 2015


Last minute details falling into place.
I've been following emails from other riders about the challenges they've had getting their gear to fit into two duffle bags weighing no more than a total of 30 pounds. One rider asked if he could borrow another rider's 1.4 spare pounds. Reminds me of companies trying to buy/sell Carbon credits.

I've got the recommended 2.5 gallon Hefty Zipper bags used for compartmentalizing duffle bag contents and picked up some clothes pins for "in-room" laundering along the way. Managed to get my Will and Health Proxy done ( is awesome) and will run out to Triple-A on Monday for Notary and witnessing services. My partner is much relieved.

Other than hunting for some Handi-Wipes and Lip Clear Invisible Bandages (no dice) and taking dog for walk, I've been taking it easy today. We cruised out to our favorite lunch spot and I caved in for the awesome BBQ ribs. As usual, order was so big had take half the order home...hey, just trying to bulk up... Felt funny not being on my bike for half the day but it was a good change. Serious packing exercise and weigh-in tomorrow. Nice phone calls with both sister and brother brightened my early afternoon.

Just took dog out for his evening stroll round the back yard and looks like another spectacularly full moon tonight. Yet again, as it floated in and out behind some clouds I still smiled to think how far away that rock is. In just a week from now I'll be getting some shut eye before the serious pedaling begins. Gulp.

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