Sunday, June 7, 2015

Crossing the Mississippi

We hit a couple milestones today. We passed the 2,000 mile mark and we crossed the Mississippi, leaving Missouri behind and entered the Land of Lincoln, Illinois. But it was hot. And  humid. And after the two days of legendary rolling hills, today's ride was a butt buster.

As I write this with the TV on in the background, I keep hearing about the Severe Thunderstorm Warning for this area (Quincy, IL) and for where we're heading (Springfield, IL). Must be a front going through. It should have gone through by the time we start our 105 mile ride tomorrow at 7:00.

The rolling hills of the prior two days flattened out and  therefore I can't grouse about the climbing but the heat was a big worry. We caught a train passing under us at one point then moments later another coming in the opposite direction.

Bit by bit, stopping at convenience stores for V8 juice or Chocolate milk, we managed to make it to the Mississippi at mile 74.  Yes the river is massive but I couldn't get a snapshot from the road and bridge we took. Although the bridge was two lanes in each direction, there was no shoulder so four of us had to ride abreast and "take the lane" and let cars follow us until we negotiated the span. We've occasionally had to do this before but not in such congested traffic.

Taking pictures at the Illinois state sign was another risky maneuver, needing to wait for traffic to thin out before the photographer could take the shot. I feel like I'm heading for home,


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