Saturday, January 24, 2015

Let's get started

Welcome to my blog.
On this snowy January Saturday, afternoon I'd like to start documenting a fairly crazy trip I've planned to launch my retirement years.

It will become apparent I'm not a professional writer but I'd still like to share this event with family members and friends who are interested in what was going through my mind as I prepare to travel from LA  to Boston on my bicycle. I hope you enjoy this as much as I expect to as I make the trip.

Two years ago, on a perfect New England September day, I was riding in the CoVaC Century and noticed a "PAC-ATL" jersey on a rider ahead of me. Curious, I pedaled up to her and asked where she picked up the jersey and what the name meant. Yes, she rode from the Pacific to the Atlantic earlier in the year.

Somewhat awestruck I asked her if she was crazy, if she had done it alone, would she do it again. I learned "Elizabeth" wasn't crazy, had participated in an organized, supported ride, and she would like to do it again. After offering some details about how hot it was going through the southwest dessert, how tough your seat gets after "a lot of riding" and the name of the company she rode with, 70 year old Elizabeth proceeded to pick up her pace and left me behind while my mind started racing faster than my legs. That's how the seed was planted.

I did some research.
There are several companies that sponsor rides across the continent. You can take a northern route, (Washington to Portsmouth ME) a mid continent route (San Francisco to Boston),  or Southwest to Northeast (LA to Boston) with many different paces. You can also choose between several comfort ranges from really rough (i.e. pack gear on your bike and ride campsite to campsite) to upscale.(supported rides where your bags are moved from hotel to hotel and with provided meals and mechanical support  when needed.

I'll be taking a mid range comfort package and as mentioned, the Southwest to Northeast route.
I've just completed my travel arrangements to LA so it's starting to get real. Although I've sent in my down payment, the final check is due next week so the point of no return is looming.

In future posts I'll include information on how I'm preparing for this trip and what I plan to do to keep you informed as I start pedaling. As you can imagine, I'm both excited and a bit daunted. Here we go!

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