Sunday, May 17, 2015

Completed Boot Camp!

Sorry this posting is a day late! I got really busy after ride yesterday.

The climb from Cottonwood through Sedona and up to Flagstaff promised spectacular vistas with commensurate effort. Unfortunately, another drizzley, cold day. Despite that, one of my favorite days so far. Usually there are spectacular views of the red rock monuments along the road to and out of Sedona but they were shrouded in mist and clouds. There were a few breaks in the mist so some riders had a chance to snap some pictures

We did climb an amazing 5400 feet or so in under 48 miles. The roads were narrow with heavy traffic and no shoulder. Tense riding for a good portion but I just kept focused on putting power to the pedals and focusing on the next length of highway ahead of me.

Although I have a "climbing page" set up,on my computer, I've only looked at it once because it's usually too daunting to know how much more there is to go. Especially when looking up at some of the switchbacks in the Oak Creek Canyon yesterday. I would see other riders way up there and knew I had yet to pedal there. (See second posting on Computer Geek stuff. Shout out to Harold, Gardiner, and Al.)

A bunch of us stopped at the Pink Jeep Tours Coffee shop in Sedona at about mile 19. I was wet and freezing again but not quite as bad as previous descent into Jerome/Cottonwood. I desperately needed hot beverage and more clothing if I was going to complete the next 30 miles. Learned there was a bike shop a bit further ahead on "Jerome" Street so I stopped there looking for jacket, long fingered gloves, and a rain cover for helmet.

Well this was the "Fat Tire" bike shop catering to the Mountain Bike enthusiasts.  Really nice shop and if you're in town look them up. Although I'm a "skinny tire" guy and they didn't have anything for me, they did their best to guide me to another outfitter about a couple miles back in West Sedona who would have what I wanted.

No. I didn't go back. I forged on.  Dumkoff. Next stop was 4 miles ahead at the Dairy Queen. Bought some nuts, soaked up some heat chatting with the owner as the place was deserted (Go figure. No one looking for a frosty treat on a drizzley cold day?). I used their restroom then headed out for another 8 miles of road-grade climbing out of the canyon before I reached the big challenge of the day: 2.2 miles of about a 10% grade. After a week's worth of riding, being cold and wet, I was questioning my ability to complete this last run up to the SAG rest stop at the top of the canyon.

At about  1 1/2 miles up, some gal leaned out the passenger window, long copper hair blowing in the wind, and yelled "You're Bad-Ass, man!". Since she couldn't possibly have know about the delicate condition of my posterior, I took it as the best unsolicited encouragement of the day and laughed and grunted my  way to the top. I'll remember that anonymous young lady for quite some time. Thank you, whoever you are!

At the SAG wagon I guzzled two hot chocolates, quinoa with veggies, crackers, oranges and a couple of energy bars. Oh, yeah, more climbing ahead but more gentle and some level spots on final 12 mile leg up  to Flagstaff. I also "suited-up" by putting some food service plastic gloves on under my open-fingered bike gloves and put some sandwich bags over my socks inside my shoes to keep from getting any wetter. Thunderstorm was possible later in the data. Jan and Robin did great job helping me get it together. All the support crew are top notch. I know I picked the right company to get me across.

The last miles weren't as bad as I expected - no T-storm. Knowing I have completed the first 7  days just amazes me. For the stats folks out there we've gone about 540 miles and climbed more than 2600 feet. Next week we'll cross into New Mexico and our next rest day will be in Santa Fe. Looking forward to it.

Bunch of us went to a relatively upscale restaurant for dinner last night. It was fantastic. Lots of laughs, wine, beer, and good food. I had the roast duck duo confit leg with potatoe cake and slaw (with nice Tarragon cream on side). Others had steaks, Salmon tartar, Pork Tenderloin, etc. Today is a day off so I need to get to the bike store and replace my breaks. Like me, they're pretty worn down.

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